• Sufficient test procedures been developed to achieve acceptable test coverage. See Section: Key Measures of Testing.
    • Each test procedure clearly identifies the test cases implemented and executed by the test procedure (if appropriate). For those test procedures used exclusively for set-up and / or navigation, a description of the test procedure purpose should be substituted for the test cases.
    • The starting and ending state of the target-of-test and state of the test data are clearly identified within each test procedure.
    • Each test procedure identifies the sequence of events to create the starting target-of-test state and the state of the test data.
    • The execution steps / instructions for implementing and executing each step within the test procedure clearly states the object, action, input data (or test case), expected response (of the action), and evaluation method (if appropriate). Additionally each execution step / instruction has been stated using using consistent terminology and adheres to the appropriate standard(s).
    • The test procedure names and / or IDs are consistent with your test artifact naming convention.

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